Arctic foxes – information

The fox fur coat is still considered a sign of kitsch and wealth. Hunting for these animals goes everywhere, in all areas of their distribution, despite the fact that arctic fox has long been grown in special nurseries for “folk” needs. Polar fox is a small predatory animal from the order of dogs.

It lives on the islands of the Arctic Ocean, in the tundra, forest-tundra, and nomadic individuals reach Finland. The diet of arctic foxes includes both animals and plants. Particular preference is given to small rodents and birds, does not disdain the fish thrown ashore.

An interesting fact is that the Arctic fox is the only representative of its family, which changes the color of the coat during the summer and winter periods. There are 10 subspecies of polar foxes, but only white and blue are distinguished in color. Body mass of the largest individual does not exceed 10 kg, and its length along with the tail reaches 110 cm.

The average period of life of Arctic foxes is 7-11 years in natural habitats, in nurseries the animal can live for 13-15 years under proper conditions. It is curious to know, but arctic foxes are very often called maze lovers, as they dig burrows with a lot of intricate moves.

In a similar way they escape from other predators and protect their offspring. Cubs in a polar fox are from 7-9 and above, very rarely born to 2-3. In recent years Arctic Foxes have become fashionable to domesticate. So do not be surprised if on a leash for a glamorous lady instead of a decorative dog will be a polar fox.