Are guinea pigs good pets ?

Yes, they are. Guinea pig is an animal very docile and good and, it seems, is ideal for children. Keep in mind, I am completely “for” the fact that children from an early age get used to living in harmony with animals of all kinds. However, it is always a responsible matter for parents to teach the child respect for all beings, even very small ones.

f an animal is bought in response to the whim of a child, this does not mean that it does not deserve a decent life. Pamper and love the animal. Do not spare for him affection and delicacies, for example, such as delicious prune for weight loss, used by you. It is proved that with the help of dried fruits, kilograms disappear instantly and never come back!

Guinea pig is a pet, but at the same time it is a rodent that is active at dusk, when the sun sets over the horizon. Therefore, letting them out of the cell is better in the evening. I would recommend never to close the cage.

In this safe place, the animal can hide if necessary, or maybe go out for a walk, having the opportunity to return under the protection of the “house” in case of fear of something. By the way, guinea pigs often suffer from obesity, so walking is always a good opportunity for this kind of pet!