Cuttlefish – information

Cuttlefish are inhabited exclusively in the shallow waters of the tropical and subtropical seas of the Old World. They live alone, less often in small flocks and only in the period of reproduction form large clusters. At the same time, they can make migrations, although they usually lead a sedentary lifestyle. Usually the cuttlefish float slowly at a small height above the bottom, when they see the prey, they freeze for a second, and then they quickly overtake the victim.

In case of danger, they, on the contrary, try to lie to the bottom, while the fins themselves fall asleep with sand. By nature these animals are very cautious and fearful. To the relatives of cuttlefish are rather friendly. Nevertheless, they sometimes observe cannibalism: large individuals can eat young relatives. But this phenomenon is explained not so much by aggressive temper, as by food illegibility.

The cuttlefish literally feed on everything that moves and does not exceed them in size. They can eat different fish, shrimp, crabs, shellfish, worms. If cuttlefish long time unsuccessfully lies in wait for prey, it can increase the effectiveness of hunting by blowing water from its siphon into the sand. At the same time, the soil is stirred up, and the cuttlefish catches small living creatures, washed out by a stream. Small animals cuttlefish swallowed without difficulty, large cut beak. Its strength is such that cuttlefish can effortlessly crush the shell of a crab or the skull of a fish equal in size to it.

The color of these animals is extremely diverse. Just like octopus, cuttlefish can change color with the help of skin cells-chromatophores. Cells are filled with pigments of different colors and with the help of special muscles can contract or stretch. The control of chromatophores is subordinate to the brain and is of an informed nature. In other words, cuttlefish changes its color intentionally and at will, but it does so quickly that it seems that this process is automatic.