Do bears hibernate ?

Yes, bears hibernate. Bears do not eat anything special before hibernation. They, like omnivores, try to consume any food available to them, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, fish, berries and much more.

And during hibernation the intestine of the animal continues to work. Not in the mode of previous activity, but still it works. Cells continue to divide, intestinal secretion is carried out. All this forms a small amount of feces, which accumulate in the intestines of the animal. Forms a “cork” with a diameter of 3.8 to 6.4 centimeters.

After the bear leaves the den, they clean the intestines, which begin to function normally. Usually defecation occurs already on the threshold of the den. Therefore, there is no mysticism or riddle, as some hunters or even scientists say, there is no bearish traffic jam.

All this is a product of the vital activity of the body. By the way, the bear in the den does not suck at all. The fact is that in January and February there is a change in the skin on the pads of the paws. Old skin bursts, which causes the bear a known inconvenience. In order to relieve the itching, the bear licks his paws.