Do turkeys lay eggs ?

Yes, turkeys lay eggs. In the shape of eggs, turkeys are similar to chicken, I have a yellowish-brown, sometimes lighter, up to white, coloring with specks. Eggs are characterized by sharpness of form and sharp differences of blunt and sharp ends. The incubation period lasts up to four weeks.

To date, in industrial turkey breeding, insemination of turkeys, as a rule, is artificial. A sperm of one male is possible to fertilize about 25 females.

Oviposition of turkey does not depend on the season, and on the average from one layer it is possible to get up to 200 eggs. Today, breeding turkeys and growing turkeys is widely used industrially. The leader in this industry is the United States.

In modern farming, turkeys are fed, basically, by mixed fodders in the form of granules or crumbs, and also in loose form. Breed turkeys exclusively for the purpose of obtaining high-quality meat of birds, dietary and useful for people of all ages. Buying turkeys is easy enough through the Internet or wholesale on poultry farms.