Facts about crabs

  • There are more than 6780 species of crabs in the world.
  • Crabs appeared on Earth during the Jurassic period (200 million years ago).
  • Each year, 1.5 million tons of crabs are caught worldwide.
  • Crab pea – the smallest crab in the world (size only 10 mm, weight up to 50 g). This crab lives in the shell of oysters and mussels.
  • Japanese spider crab is the largest crab in the world. Body length with legs – 4 meters, weight – 20 kg. Japanese spider crab lives to 100 years.
  • Crabs have 10 legs, the first pair of legs serve as claws.
  • Crabs have an external skeleton called “exoskeleton”. It is made of chitin and protects soft tissues.
  • Unlike other animals, the chest and abdomen of crabs are merged into a single whole.
  • Crabs distinguish colors.
  • Crabs are omnivorous. They eat different kinds of algae, fungi, bacteria, other crustaceans, mollusks and worms.
  • Crabs walk and swim sideways.
  • Crabs breathe with the help of gills. Therefore, they should stay close to the water, even if they live mostly on land.
  • Crab sticks are not made from crab meat. They are prepared from meat of white fish or fish protein surimi.