Facts about hermit crabs

Hermit crabs are found in the waters of the Baltic, Northern, Mediterranean seas, the islands of the Caribbean Sea, the coasts of Europe. As a rule, they choose shallow water and only some species, prefer a depth of 70-80 meters.

There is simply a huge number of types of hermit crabs. They differ in some of their features, but in general the structure of the hermit crabs is completely identical, so they are easy to classify.

They can be distinguished mainly in color and habitat. There are, for example, hermit crabs Mexican red-legged, orange-striped, steppe crab, blue-striped, black, gold-spotted, dwarfish and many others. Each of them is original in something and in something it is similar.

This omnivore does not touch at all in food. Crabs hermits feed on both plant and animal food. They love algae, eggs, shellfish, worms, fish, as well as the remains of anemones. Never crab crab and carrion.

With the help of their claws they do not tear food into small pieces and only after that they take pleasure in absorbing everything. Land crab hermits dilute their diet with fruits, coconuts and small insects.

The body of hermit crabs is mostly soft, they do not have a strong shell, so most species protect their abdomen with the help of empty shells of mollusks. With them, they hunt, they also hide in case of danger. From the shell, three pairs of limbs, including claws, usually stick out. The left claw hunters the crab, and the right protects the entrance to the sink. During the evolution of the hermits, the posterior pair of paws was greatly shortened. It is they who now hold the shell while traveling.