Facts about sea turtles

Sea turtles (Cheloniidae) – a family of turtles, uniting large marine and ocean turtles. Sea turtles are supposedly oriented around the Earth’s magnetic field. They are able to return unmistakably to their birthplace after many years. The average life expectancy of sea turtles is 80 years.

  • Skin turtles live on the planet for more than one hundred million years.
  • The weight of some green, or soup, turtles (Chelonia mydas) can reach 400 kg!
  • To lay eggs, green turtles swim over 20,000 km.
  • Green turtles in the Caribbean Sea lay eggs in May-October, on about. Ascension – in January – April, and in Ceylon – in July – November.
  • The Malays considered the mythical sea turtle Manoi to be the creator of the world.
  • One female green turtle during the breeding season can postpone up to 1000 eggs.
  • Skin turtles are able to dive to a depth of up to 1200 m.
  • The smallest sea turtles are the Atlantic ridlei (Lepidochelys kempii). The length of the carapace of an adult of this species does not exceed 75 cm.
  • The Chinese made the sea turtle a symbol of water, winter, the north, the principle of yin and cosmic order.
  • The largest turtle is considered to be the male skinned turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). His body length was 2.91 m, width – 2.77 m, and weighed this giant 961.1 kg
  • Green turtles (Chelonia mydas), sailed to the Nicobar Islands for egg laying, do not go ashore without an alerting sign of dolphins.
  • Skin turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) move in water at a speed of 35 km / h, and dive to a depth of 1200 m.
  • In 1969, with the help of a sea turtle, a passenger fell overboard. The incident occurred in the Caribbean Sea. For 15 hours the passenger stayed in the sea until the arrival of another ship. All this time he swam, grabbing the tortoise shell.
  • The largest of the known turtles is the Archelon (Archelon ischyros) – a giant sea turtle Cretaceous. Its weight was about 2 tons, and its dimensions reached more than 4 meters.
  • Being on a sandy beach, from the eyes of large turtles begins to actively release fluid, similar to tears. In fact, in this way, turtles get rid of the sand that hit them in the eye.
  • Large land and sea turtles move at a speed of no more than 700-900 m / hour.
  • In aquatic turtles shells are flat and sloping with good aerodynamic properties.