Gophers – information

Habitat ground gophers are steppe and meadow-steppe zones. It occurs almost throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Gophers can also be found in the tundra belt. There are many species of this animal. Each species has inherent differences in appearance. However, in general, most of them have much in common. The average body length of an animal does not exceed 38 centimeters. The tail is small, about half as long as the torso.

Wool is fluffy, most often has a gray-brown color. The ground gopher has well developed teeth, since it is a rodent. Ears are slightly underdeveloped and visually resemble a cushion. If you compare the ground gopher with other animals, then outwardly it is very similar to the gopher.

The mating season begins as soon as the gophers wake up after winter sleep. The incubation period in the animal lasts about a month. The light is born usually from 5 to 7 cubs, but maximally the female can give birth and 13 toddlers. For a month and a half the newborns spend with their mother. However, later they are forced to leave the parent, as he himself expels them.

Life expectancy of gophers in the wild rarely exceeds 3 years. This is due to the large number of enemies in this rodent.

Gophers live in colonies. They build tunnels and burrows up to 3 meters deep. Tunnels can be very confusing, and their total length reaches at times 15 meters. Such conditions are optimally suited for the comfortable life of gophers.

In the burrows and tunnels gophers spend a lot of time and carefully equip them. However, this animal leads primarily to the terrestrial way of life. The peak of activity of the animal falls on the morning time. But in cases where things are not finished, the gopher continues to work in the evening.

The animal feeds on food of vegetable origin. These are seeds, grains, nuts and various herbs.