How much does a turkey weigh ?

Breeding turkeys is a profitable business. The reasons for this success are the small cost of the turkey and the high price of turkey meat. Therefore, it is so important for farmers to know what the weight of the turkey depends on, and how to choose the largest one. This is what will be discussed.

The weight of a turkey may vary depending on age, gender and breed. Males always weigh more than females – this is an indisputable truth. This difference usually ranges from 5-7 kilograms. Mainly, the weight of an adult turkey is determined by its breed – there are small and medium breeds, as well as small, medium and large broad-chested breeds.

The maximum weight of a turkey is 35 kilograms, individual representatives may have a slightly larger mass. Such large turkeys are bred exclusively for obtaining the largest amount of meat at special poultry farms.

The live weight of an adult turkey turkey on average is 6.5 kg. Female, as a rule, weigh no more than 4 kg. Birds of medium size are more widespread. These breeds include the bronze standard – the weight of the turkey is 8-9 kg, the turkey – 5-6 kg, the virgin – turkey has a mass of 9, and the turkey is 6 kg.