Interesting facts about Amsterdam

The capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam – in many respects a remarkable city. It is loved by the people living in it, crowds of tourists are eager for it … All this is not surprising, because the Amsterdam streets are literally soaked with the spirit of history.

Amsterdam – the largest city in the Netherlands and concurrently the capital of the country.

Despite this, the Dutch government is located in the city of The Hague.

Amsterdam is the sixth largest European capital.

In Amsterdam, more than a thousand two hundred bridges, that is, more than in Venice.

In this city there is the largest number of museums in the world.

Amsterdam is located below sea level.

The most popular transport in Amsterdam is a bicycle, there are more than a million of them, that is a third more than people.

All over Amsterdam there are only two wooden buildings.

Representatives of more than one hundred and fifty nationalities live in Amsterdam.

Every year, Amsterdam is visited by about four and a half million tourists.

The bike paths in Amsterdam are wider than the pedestrian paths.

In all of Amsterdam there is no free parking.

More than half of the residents of Amsterdam know at least two foreign languages.

Two of the three residents of Amsterdam have bicycles.

There are six windmills on the territory of the city.

In Amsterdam, about one and a half thousand cafes.

The American city of New York, being a Dutch colonial settlement, until 1664 was called New Amsterdam.

Amsterdam is considered one of the safest cities in Europe.

Almost two and a half thousand floating houses are located on the Amsterdam canals.

The name of the city of Amsterdam comes from Amstel Dam – Amstel dam, that is a dam on the Amstel river.

In the windows of the Amsterdam apartments there are no curtains or curtains.

In Amsterdam there are no supermarkets – only small shops.