Interesting facts about asteroids

Asteroids are the most numerous objects in the solar system. A lot of them have already been classified, although still more unknown. Scientists believe that on some asteroids can be hidden priceless treasures …

One of the theories of extinction of dinosaurs says that these prehistoric giants have died out due to the impact of a large asteroid.

Some fairly large asteroids, like planets, have their own satellites. An example is the asteroid Ida and his companion Dactyl.

The outer and inner planets of the solar system are separated by an asteroid belt.

Tunguska meteorite, most likely, was a fairly large asteroid.

For the first time in history, an unmanned spacecraft landed successfully on an asteroid in 2001.

All known asteroids are irregular in shape, and also devoid of atmosphere.

The asteroid Khariklo has rings, as in Saturn. Only he has a lot less, of course.

Asteroid, meteor and meteorite are one and the same. A meteor is an asteroid entering the Earth’s atmosphere. If it reaches the surface, it is considered a meteorite.

Most asteroids do not have their own names.

A truly deadly threat to life on Earth are asteroids from 10 kilometers in diameter. At present, the orbits of all known asteroids of similar size do not intersect with the orbit of the Earth.

Most asteroids are made up of metal or stone.

June 30 – Day of the Asteroid.

In the relative vicinity of the earth’s orbit, orbit about seven hundred asteroids.

The word “asteroid” in translation from ancient Greek means “star-like”.

The total mass of all asteroids from the belt located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter is about 4 percent of the mass of the moon.

More than half of the mass of the asteroid belt falls on four objects – Pallas, Ceres, Giguei and Vesta.

The Ceres asteroid, having a regular spherical shape and a diameter of almost a thousand kilometers, is classified as a dwarf Planet, similar to Pluto.

Currently, various programs are being developed to extract minerals on asteroids.