Interesting facts about exoplanets

Assuming that the universe is infinite, then there is an infinite set of stars and planets around them that circulate. Even in our days, scientists have already discovered many exoplanets, flying in their orbits in many light years from Earth.

Exoplanets call any planet located in another star system.

At present, about two thousand exoplanets are discovered.

On the Kepler 186-F exoplanet, life is allowed. This planet is in the inhabited zone of its star and in size only slightly exceeds the ground. The distance to it is 490 light years.

Exposed at 15 light years, the Gliese exoplanet 832-C is also potentially suitable for life, but it is five times larger than the Earth.

The oldest known exoplanet is Kaptein-B, located in the red dwarf system at 13 light years from Earth. Its age is about 11.5 billion years.

Exoplanet Kepler 78-B size is almost similar to Earth, but rotates 90 times closer to its star. The temperature on the surface of this exoplanet is from one and a half to three thousand degrees Celsius.

Around the star HD 10180 is drawn at least nine exoplanets.

The hottest known exoplanet is WASP-33B, its surface temperature is about 3200 degrees.

The closest exoplanet to Earth is Alpha Centauri B b.

Earth-like Kepler exoplanet 238-B, perhaps, was once theoretically fit for life, but then the powerful radiation of the central star changed this situation.

On the exoplanet HD 189733b, the wind blows at a speed of over 8500 meters per second.