Interesting facts about Ghana

Ghana is a small African state, not wealthy, but possessing an amazing culture. Citizens of most European countries find it difficult to obtain a visa to Ghana, and only the most desperate travelers decide on this. However, those who managed to visit this country, tell about her amazing things, and these stories cause an acute desire to also be there.

The name of the country is translated from one of the local languages ​​as “Militant King”.

As in many other African countries, few speak the state language (in this case English). Everyone talks on numerous local tribal dialects. However, the state status in Ghana has as many as 11 languages.

In the process of developing the Ghanaian lands, this country is bald – almost all the forests were destroyed, only the forest massif in the south was preserved.

Residents of Ghana are among the most educated Africans – about 95% of Ghanaian children study or study at a school that corresponds to Russian junior and middle classes. Ghanaian education is popular with residents of other African countries.

About one in seven people living in Ghana are illegal immigrants from other, less prosperous African countries.

Cellular communications in Ghana appeared in 1992.

In 2015, Ghana put its first satellite into orbit around the Earth.

The basis of most of the Ghanaian national dishes is seafood – fish and various crustaceans.

Gold in Ghana symbolizes power, therefore the leaders of various local tribes on solemn occasions put on themselves gold jewelry in such quantity that this gold could be paid off Bolivia’s foreign debt.

Paper money in Ghana brought Europeans. Before their arrival, gold was used as currency here.

Modern Ghana is actively trying to preserve the nature undermined in colonial times. In the sixteen reserves of Ghana live more than a hundred rare species of animals, including elephants and cheetahs.

On the territory of Ghana, there are many castles of the 16th and 17th centuries, once built by the Portuguese.

Someone’s death in Ghana is an occasion for joy, not for sorrow. At least, Ghanaians and try to behave themselves – at the funeral it is customary to dance and have fun.

Most of the people of Ghana believe that the day of the week in which he was born has a huge impact on the fate of a person.

The size of Ghana is approximately equal to the size of Great Britain.