Interesting facts about Grenada

The tiny country of Grenada has a rich history. Everything mixed here-the pride of the native natives, the inhabitants of these lands, the courage of the conquistadors, and the priceless legacy of the colonial era, the era of great discoveries …

Near the coast of Grenada there is an underwater sculpture park.

On the flag of Grenada there is an image of nutmeg.

The informal second name of Grenada is the Island of Spices.

The land area of ​​Grenada is less than three hundred and fifty square kilometers.

Despite the fact that colonized Grenada was the Spaniards, the state language of the country is English. Grenada has long been part of the UK.

The island of Grenada is of volcanic origin.

The highest part of the country is Mount St. Catherine, rising to 840 meters above sea level.

The first public library on the island appeared in 1853.

The army does not have Grenada, there are only police and fifty people of the Coast Guard.

General education in Grenada is compulsory.

In Grenada there is one university.

The first television station in Grenada earned in 1986.

Radio in the country appeared a little earlier – in 1955.

The population of the country practically does not increase, since, despite the rather high birth rate, the flow of emigrants from the country is very high.