Interesting facts about insects

Insects are one of the most inconspicuous, but at the same time, the most numerous inhabitants of the Earth. Some people cause instinctive horror, but there are those who willingly keep them at home, and even devote them to exploring their lives. The world of insects is amazing and multifaceted, and they are by no means confined to the mosquitoes and butterflies that we are familiar with.

At the moment there are more than a million species of insects, but scientists believe that on Earth they live from two to eight million species.

Every year, scientists discover more than seven thousand new species of insects.

Every year, spiders eat more than most people weigh on the planet.

Representatives of many rare species of insects came to the hands of researchers only once.

Insects do not have a skeleton – this role is performed by an external exoskeleton made of chitin.

Mosquitoes are really capable of drinking all the blood from a person. Another thing is that mosquitoes should be very much, as much as usually does not happen right away in one place.

Scientists still can not understand how the beetles fly, because according to all the laws of physics and aerodynamics they should not fly.

Some species of dragonflies live only about a day.

Mosquitoes prefer people who have recently eaten bananas.

The fastest insect on the planet is a dragonfly, it can develop speed at almost 60 kilometers per hour.

The only insect that can turn its head to the sides is a mantis.

Fleas can jump at a distance equal to 120-130 the lengths of their own body.

The strongest insect is an ant, it is capable of lifting a weight that surpasses its own many dozens of times.

Ticks can do without food until ten years.

Insects appeared about 400 million years ago and survived not only dinosaurs, but also several global cataclysms.

Each eye of a dragonfly consists of about twenty thousand small lenses.

Butterflies taste with the help of paws – it is here that they have taste buds.

Every year about a quarter of the world’s harvest is eaten by insects.

The average bee swarm during the season harvests about 150 kilograms of honey in a hive for the winter. In this case, one bee in its entire life produces less than one-tenth of a teaspoon of this delicious product.

Ants never sleep.

A locust swarm can include up to fifty billion individuals.

Clothes in the wardrobe are eaten not by an adult moth, but by its larvae.

Flies tse-ts do not attack zebras, as their striped coloring introduces flies into error.

In Thailand, insects are actively used in cooking.

Every day, all the bees of the Earth produce about three thousand tons of honey.