Interesting facts about oranges

Orange is a juicy fruit that most of us have tried to taste at least once in a lifetime. Find oranges at the store counter is not difficult at any time of the year, the blessing of orange trees in the world is great, and the volumes in which this fruit is grown allow them to supply them all. The orange is extremely tasty, at least some of its varieties. In addition, it is a real storehouse of vitamins.

Orange takes the first place in the world by the weight of the harvest, collected annually. On the second place is a banana.

The most common citrus in the world is the orange.

The Chinese grew oranges about four and a half thousand years ago.

Some orange trees live for one hundred-fifty years.

A large orange tree can bring up to forty thousand fruits a year.

The crown of an adult orange tree is comparable to the crown of an oak tree.

Oranges are not only orange, but also green, and green usually have varieties that grow in a particularly hot tropical climate.

The famous Bobby Leach, a man who descended the Niagara Falls in a special barrel, died because of an orange – slipped on an orange peel and fell, hitting hard.

In the US, California, the law prohibits eating oranges while taking a bath(Also, you can check orange nutrition facts).

In Spain, about 35 million orange trees grow.

Nevertheless, the leader in the production of oranges is another country – Brazil. Here, almost eighteen million tons of oranges are produced annually.

Oranges of the “frost” variety are very sweet fruits. From their other brethren they are distinguished by the blood-red color of the flesh.

The first seedlings of orange trees in the New World were laid by Christopher Columbus.

About 85% of all oranges collected in the world go to juice production. Not surprisingly, orange juice is the most popular on Earth.

It is the oranges that are the most “golden apples” from the ancient Greek legend of Hercules, which this hero had to steal.

In total there are about six hundred varieties of oranges in the world.

Argentina has developed a special cargo plane for the transportation of oranges. The model was called “Naranjero”, which means “Orange” in Spanish.

In Odessa there is a monument to an orange.