Interesting facts about Soybean

Soybean is one of the most popular and popular crops in the world. What of it just do not! .. Being one of the most ancient plants cultivated by man, soybeans are used in the kitchens of the most diverse countries and peoples, and the number of dishes in which it is included can not be calculated.

The exact time when soybeans were first cultivated is unknown, but scientists claim that it happened at least five to seven thousand years ago.

Soybean is extremely nutritious, and the protein content in it can reach up to fifty percent.

In Europe, soybean began to be cultivated only from the end of the 19th century.

Every year, more than three hundred million tons of soybeans are grown in the world. Two-thirds of this amount falls to Brazil and the United States.

The world’s first place in the consumption of soybeans is occupied by China.

Soybean is an important component in the production of balanced feeds for livestock and livestock.

The uniqueness of soy is that it is possible to make surrogates of a mass of other products from it, starting with milk and coffee and ending with meat.

In Russia soybeans are produced approximately in 70-80 times less than in the USA.

The soybean genome was completely deciphered in 2010. The amount of data was 1115 megabytes.

Soybeans are most often subjected to genetic modifications, designed to improve its properties.