Interesting facts about Switzerland

Switzerland is one of the most prosperous countries in the world. People here get huge salaries, however, they also pay huge taxes. But the power of the people in this country is really strong, and in many Swiss cantons, local government dominates certain laws of the country. However, Switzerland is famous mainly not for this fact, but for its watches and banks.

Switzerland has no official capital, since it is a confederation by the state system. In fact, this function is performed by Berne, although according to the documents he is simply a federal city.

Residents of Switzerland are legally forbidden to keep only one guinea pig at home, because, according to scientists, these animals yearn without a society of their own kind. To solve this problem, a service was established in the country to provide guinea pigs for rent.

In Geneva over the past two centuries, the coming of spring is announced by a special decree – it is issued when the first leaf on the chestnut growing next to the cantonal government building dissolves. Most often spring comes in March, however, for example, in 2002 the tree turned green on December 29. In 2006, spring came at all twice – the leaves on the chestnut appeared in March, and then it unexpectedly blossomed again in October.

In Switzerland, the percentage of residents over 100 years is greater than in other European countries. This figure here is 0.01%.

The national hero of Switzerland Wilhelm Tell did not really exist.

Instead of assigning numbers to houses, in Switzerland they number the entrances. The apartments also do not have rooms – they just write the names of the tenants.

Switzerland is 2/3 covered with hills and is the most mountainous country in Europe. Yes, there are even more mountains here than in Montenegro.

In order to become a citizen of Switzerland, you need to live in the country for at least 12 years.

Children in Switzerland begin to study at school from the age of four. They study 4 days a week, as the environment is considered a day off on a par with Saturday and Sunday. Education is free for all, including for foreigners.

In Switzerland, one can legitimately avoid serving in the army – all those who do not want to become soldiers pay the state 3% of their wages until they reach 30 years of age.

The crime rate in Switzerland is one of the lowest in the world.

Women won the right to vote in the Swiss federal elections only in 1971.

Alcoholic beverages in Switzerland are sold only until 21:00.

The first mention of the famous Swiss cheese dates back to the 1st century AD.

Each company registered in this country must have as director of a Swiss subject.

Switzerland is located in the heart of Europe, but it is not part of the European Union, contrary to popular belief.

In the Swiss city of Zermatt you can only travel on cars with electric motors.

To throw out a New Year tree, the Swiss can only for one day in early January, and violators face a fine.

At one of the referendums, the inhabitants of Switzerland decided to ban the construction of minarets on the territory of the country.

Switzerland is obliged to throw out garbage in packages with a special sticker, otherwise you will also have to pay a large fine. Since garbage disposal is expensive, many Swiss people get rid of packages of goods right in the shops.