Interesting facts about the industry

Industry is developing at a rapid pace, and the speed of this development is constantly increasing not in arithmetic, but in a geometric progression. Some scientists are inclined to think that soon, by the middle of this century, humanity will come to the so-called “technological singularity,” that is, to the stage of civilization development, when all technical discoveries will be made almost instantly after the need arises.

The wind energy used by some power plants is environmentally friendly energy, but it is simply not enough to cover the necessary needs. For example, in order to compare in the generation of energy from an average nuclear power plant, the same average wind power station will require an area of ​​about 360 square kilometers.

To date (2016), there are 192 nuclear power plants in the world, consisting of 450 power units.

The very word “industry” owes its origin to Karamzin, who simply invented this word.

Nikolai Bernados, the man who invented the welding of metals, called it “electrogefest”, by analogy with Hephaestus, the god-smith.

In the whole history of the world, in various ways, about 192,000 tons of gold were mined. If it were possible to collect it together, it would have turned out to be a cube about the size of a typical Russian seven-storey building.

About 45% of all ships (if not counted by their number, and by displacement) are annually built by a single country – China.

Almost half of all coal in the world is also mined in China. In figures this is about 1.8 billion tons.

Twelve and a half billion pairs of shoes are produced per year in the world. More than 60% is again in China.

The number of mobile phones produced annually is about 1.7 billion. About 70% of them are made in China.

About 90% of all components for computers are also made in China. Yes, China is a country with a highly developed industry.

On average, paper consumption in the world is about 45 kg per person annually. Most of the paper is consumed in Finland – about 1.4 tons per person per year, and the least in Mali and Afghanistan – about 0.1 kg.

The conveyor, that is, the driving belt, is what immediately appears to all of us at the word “plant”. Invented this most useful thing is none other than Henry Ford.

The world’s first artificial food coloring was invented in the middle of the 19th century, and quite by accident.

At the first place in the world in the production and use of solar energy is Germany. On the second – China, on the third – Italy.

Almost all electricity in Norway is produced by environmentally friendly hydroelectric power stations.

Russia holds the world’s first place in oil production.

The peak of oil production has already been passed, and volumes are declining every year. While the figures are changing not too noticeably due to the fact that the production of oil includes shale deposits. Nevertheless, it is not far off that day when mankind will have to look for alternative sources of energy.