Interesting facts about Twitter

Twitter is a social network in which users share with surrounding short messages, no more than 140 characters in length. The idea, at first glance, strange, but Twitter surprisingly quickly entered the top of the most popular social networks in the world, where it remains to this day. Moreover, even serious companies now view Twitter as another important communication channel for public relations.

Twitter is a completely free service. Like other social networks, it is monetized by advertising, which is shown to users.

In Twitter, half a billion people are registered.

In 2013, the Vatican announced that everyone can receive indulgence through Twitter, if they can not personally attend church events.

Sweden has its own Twitter account, notable for the fact that it is not official persons who write on its behalf, but different citizens of the country who change every week.

Twitter is one of the top 10 most popular sites on the planet.

Twitter even spawned the term “twitter-revolution”. Twitter-Revolution means different revolutions and protests, the coordination of which occurred through popular social networks, including through Twitter. monthly visits about 400 million people.

Twitter’s logo is a bird, because “twitter” means “twitter” or “tweet” in English.