Lion population

Today, most lions live in eastern and southern Africa, and their numbers are declining. According to experts’ estimates, in two decades the population decreased from two. In 2005, the estimated number of lions was from 17 to 47 thousand individuals, while in 1970 there were more than 100 000. The main reasons for reducing the number of individuals is climate change, disease and thoughtless treatment rights.

Some groups of lions are geographically isolated, which can lead to a reduction in genetic diversity. That is why the International Union for the Conservation of Nature recognized the lion as a vulnerable species, and the Indian lion as a dangerous state.

The preservation of Asian and African lions is facilitated by the creation of national parks and reserves. The most significant are the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, Etosha Park in Namibia and the Kruger National Park in South Africa.

Outside protected areas, people kill lions, as they attack livestock. The project of protection of the Indian lion is planning to create a second animal population in the Kuno reserve in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.