Sea otter scientific name

Sea otter scientific name is Enhydra lutris. Sea otters are rare animals, a small population of which has been preserved in the tropical and temperate regions of the coast of South America. The range of these mammals extends from Peru to the southern part of Cape Horn, and in Argentina, on the coast of the Tierra del Fuego.

Sea otters were brought to the Falkland Islands, where they are found in small groups.

Sea otters are the smallest representatives of the genus Lontra. The length of the body varies from 57 to 78.7 centimeters, but taking into account the tail, it can reach up to 87-115 centimeters. The weight of an adult varies from 3.2 to 8.5 kilograms.

Body oblong, dense, cylindrical in shape. Paws are strong and short. The head is flat. Ears of rounded shape are planted low on the sides of the head. Muzzle wide and short. Neck short and thick.

The eyes are small, they are planted high, so the otters have a good view. The tail is muscular and thick. On the paws there are 5 fingers, ending with strong claws. Between the fingers there are membranes. When immersed in water, ears and nostrils are closed. Teeth large, adapted to cut production.

Fur is dense, the length of the coarse hair extends to 20 millimeters, and the length of the undercoat is 12 millimeters.