Turkeys – information

Wild turkeys are large, weigh up to 8 kg (male). The length of the male is 100-110 cm, the female is 85 cm. The legs are long, strong. Birds are capable of flying over short distances.

The upper side of the turkey is brownish-yellow and brownish-red, with metallic shine, feathers with black edges, lower back and covering tail feathers brown with green and black stripes. The underside is yellowish-brown to brownish-gray in color. Flight feathers are black-brown with lighter stripes. The tail is brown with black wavy strips.

The head and upper half of the neck are blue, unripe. There are so-called “warts” of red color: on the forehead at the base of the beak hung a fleshy appendage, on the throat hangs a fold of the skin.

Legs are red or purple. On the chest is a bunch of bristly feathers, similar to horsehair.

The female is paler in color and smaller in size than the male.

It is found in the forests of North America.

It feeds on plant and animal food – nuts, acorns, seeds and various fruits, as well as insects.

Nest on the ground. In April the female puts from 10 to 15 and even 20 eggs and selflessly protects them.

Wild turkeys are often combined with domestic females, the chicks are thus of better quality than from domestic turkeys.