What are baby guinea pigs called ?

A baby guinea pigs called a pup. By the end of the first day they are already beginning to quietly try the usual food. From the second day of life, the kids make attempts to feed themselves on their own – then they carefully gnaw carrots, then a piece of bread.

At the age of three to four days growing young guinea pigs begin to eat rough common food in small portions. However, for normal development during the first month, it is vitally important for the mother’s milk and the mother’s vitaminous litter of the cecum to ensure sufficient vitamins of the B complex and vitamin K, and also to form its own beneficial microflora in the intestine.

Very often young mum-pigs do not feed their young at the first birth – the mother’s instinct is “late”.

The only way out is to put the cubs to the feeding female, as a rule, it succeeds. Artificially, it is impossible to feed babies.

Obeying the ancient instincts, the female never feeds the sick or crippled baby during the delivery. It is an innate instinct aimed at the survival of only the strongest individuals, capable of prolonging the existence of the whole species, and it is impossible to blame the female here.