What do antelopes eat ?

Antelopes eat plants and swallow them, and then chew them again during rest, so that the extracted feed is used with maximum benefit to the animal.

An important sign of all animals of this group are their horns. And on this basis, you can also see that the antelopes are relatives of bulls. The horn is a bony rod, clad in a natural horny cover, which develops from the frontal bones on the corresponding outgrowths. The horn of antelope grows all life and is not dumped by them as for example in roe deer.

Antelopes are an extremely diverse group. There are species in it, the size of which is the same as the size of a hare, for example, dick-dick, but there are also those whose growth is the same as that of a bull, for example, canna. And antelopes live in different climatic conditions. If some can survive in shrubbery, in forests or savannah, in the steppes, others live in arid desert.