What do honey bees eat ?

So, what do honey  bees eat. The source of protein for honey  bees is pollen. It is necessary that the muscular and endocrine systems of the bee are strong. Nectar or honey are sources of carbohydrates, and when the bee has already formed, these products serve as a “fuel” for it. Tissues in adult bees do not grow and do not regenerate, and insects simply feed on carbohydrates to “keep the motor running” until the bee’s body is completely worn out.

Collecting pollen, honey bees moisten it with saliva and nectar, which they wear in their honey cinders, so that in the process of carrying the pollen does not crumble. The secret of bees and pollen itself contains microbes that immediately (even before the bee returns to the hive) they start the fermentation process, which turns the pollen into a feather.

When the honey  bees return to the hive, they drop the pollen into honeycomb cells, where the fermentation process continues. Within a few weeks, microbes are intensively working, creating or releasing vitamins, enzymes, proteins and other important nutrients. It is very important that the intervention of microorganisms in this process is not interrupted, since each stage of the fermentation process prepares the soil for the next, giving at the outlet its unique set of by-products.

Some time after the pollen ferments, the enzymes continue their work. It has been established that peroxide contains twice as much water-soluble proteins as in the original pollen.