What do jaguars eat ?

Jaguars are predators and live in South America. These huge cats live alone, sometimes in pairs or small families. They bypass an area of ​​8-30 km2.V world classification they occupy the third place among the cat, giving weight only lions and tigers.

 For a jaguar it is very important that in its habitats there is always a high humidity and there is free access to open water, as the jaguar loves to swim. Therefore arid places and open spaces this animal always avoids. Jaguars are very secretive, although their roar in the forest is heard often.

Jaguars are confused with the leopard. Although the jaguars outnumber them and are distinguished by a pattern on their wool: the dark spots of the jaguars are larger and resemble a rose. They are not only alike, but may also have a common offspring, indicating a close relationship.

 The jaguar has a strong and strong physique: the back is slightly arched, the chest is wide, the head is large, the legs are strong, and the tail seems disproportionately short in comparison with the body. Its length can exceed 2 m, and weight is 15O kg. The eyes are smaller than the males. skin is very beautiful: on a golden brown background with white spots scattered small black spots.

The spotted coat allows the jaguars to perfectly camouflage themselves in the woods with their play of light and shadow and become almost invisible to victims and enemies. Among the jaguars, as well as among other felines, there is a phenomenon of melanism, that is, the appearance of individuals of absolutely black color. , That their skin is absolutely black, but looking at it, you can distinguish on it the usual for jaguars placer of dark spots, even more black than the main tone of the skin. Such a color is adaptable, because these jaguars are found only in dense , Dark, impenetrable lesah.Yaguar perfectly climb trees. Even monkeys, fleeing to the treetops, you can not escape his clutches.

 Jaguars have excellent eyesight. Perhaps in the daytime they see a little worse a man, but at night the visual acuity of these cats is six times greater than the human. From all the cats, the jaguars have the strongest and most powerful jaws.