Where do black bears live ?

Initially, the black bear occupied all the wooded and flat areas of North America. It was estimated at the end of the 9th century that the number of individuals reached two million, but most were exterminated or survived by people from the eastern, southeastern and central regions of the United States, and by the beginning of the 21st century, presumably less than 200,000 black bears continue to exist. For most of its habitat, the black bear shares the grizzly (brown bear subspecies) bear with the bear: in the northern Rocky Mountains, western Canada and the State of Alaska.

Here the area of ​​distribution of the black bear is limited to mountainous areas with altitudes from 900 to 3,000 m above sea level. American black bears are found in Mexico, 32 states in the US and Canada. They historically occupied approximately all areas of North America that were forested, and in the USA they are now confined to areas not so densely populated and planted with forests. Canadian black bears inhabit most of their historical range, with the exception of the central plains areas, which are intensively used for agriculture.

Black bear(Baribal) is common in the plains and mountains, has adapted to life in different localities of North America and lives everywhere from Alaska to Florida, although it prefers wooded areas. Black bears thrive where there is a mixture of forests and meadows. Ideal habitat: forests with many different types of fruits and nuts.

Small sunny meadows in the forest provide many types of food for bears. Lowlands and wetlands provide delicate and succulent vegetation. Streams and streams in the wooded area are provided with water for drinking and cooling. Mothers with puppies need large trees (over 50 cm in diameter) with ribbed bark (like white pines) for accommodation for the night. These trees are the safest for small cubs when climbing.