Where do hares live ?

Unlike rodents, hares do not have any dwellings – they do not dig holes and do not do any other shelters. But these animals have permanent habitats, which leave only in fattening years during mass migration.

For example, in the Tibetan curly hare (Lepus oiostolus), the wool is winding, the striped hare (Nesolagus netscheri) from Sumatra has a striped body, and the Japanese arboreal hare lives on trees in general. This animal leads a nocturnal life, feeds on low branches of trees, and breeds offspring in hollows!

All types of hares are medium-sized animals with a characteristic external appearance. Their distinguishing features are long ears and well developed hind legs. Their ears are on average longer than rabbits, but can vary greatly in size. The hare-rabbit has the shortest ears (this adaptation to life in the harsh conditions of the Arctic), the hare is longer, and the black-tailed rabbit inhabiting the deserts of North America is simply huge. Such long ears are needed for cooling in a hot climate.

Hares quickly run, with the help of long hind limbs they can reach speeds of up to 50 km / h.