Where do Woodlouse live ?

Woodlouse live on land, but in wet places. In the afternoon they hide in shelters, and in the evening and at night they go in search of food.

There are 4,500 species of these equinox crustaceans that have adapted to survive in different conditions. There are lice in all climatic zones of the planet.

By the way, almost all those who have studied biology for a long time believe that the Woodlouse is an insect. Meanwhile, Woodlouse  – a representative of the class of crustaceans, a detachment of isopods. That is, she is the closest relative of crabs and crabs. Do not confuse the lice with insects scales.

The body of the Woodlouse is convex, consisting of small segments, the eyes are located on the side, the outer tendrils are practically equal to the length of the body. Some species have on their back drawings that are similar to the eastern hieroglyphics. The shell is divided into segments, each of which has legs. In danger, they pretend to be dead, folding into a ball.