Facts about hyenas

Hyenas have such a bad reputation that other predators compared to them are “the best friends of a person”. Is this really true or do we just do not know anything about these animals? So let’s try to figure out how amazing this animal is by learning interesting facts about hyenas, which many do not even guess.

  • Spotted hyenas live in clans, in which a strict hierarchy reigns. The main in the flock is the alpha female and other females, followed by an alpha male and other males. Only one species of hyena does not form a flock – a striped hyena.
  • The maximum speed with which a hyena can run is 65 km / h.
  • Hyenas are excellent hunters, about 90% of their diet is produced, not carrion.
  • Striped hyenas, in addition to meat, also consume plants. They are very fond of watermelons and melons.
  • There is an opinion that the hyenas are a prey to other predators, but in fact most of the catch of hyenas is stealing lions.
  • Hyenas belong to a sub-cat.
  • Female spotted hyenas are much larger than males and more aggressive.
  • The head of the clan brings offspring more than the other female flocks.
  • Sexual organs of females of spotted hyenas are more similar to males, rather than females.
  • Their territory is marked by animals with caustic paste from their odorous glands. By the smell of this secret hyena learns not only the sex of the one who left the mark, but even his personality.
  • Members of one pack always take care of wounded relatives and bring them food.
  • Hyenas are perfectly tamed and become faithful like dogs.
  • Hyen’s cubs are born with fully formed teeth.
  • The hyena’s warrior is one of ten special signals that the spotted hyena produces. Each cry is unique, like a signature.
  • Babies born from the dominant female have the same high status as their mother.
  • The jaws of the hyena are one of the most powerful mammals in the world, their pressure can reach 70 kg / cm².
  • Litter hyena completely consists of calcium phosphate and resembles chalk.
  • On its own, the hyena is capable of knocking out the antelope three times larger than itself.
  • Milk hyenas are so fat that the mother can leave her cubs for a week without worrying about the hungry time for the transmission of the babies.
  • Having appeared in the world, the young spotted hyenas immediately begin to fight and sometimes these fights end in a lethal outcome.