All about the compatibility of the zodiac sign Leo

Leo tries to be the life of the party. Because of this Leo People can be considered “drama queens” with merit. No matter what, don’t comment negatively on Leo while they’re in this mode. Leo can dance better, be a better comic, and anything else Leo considers. And if you mock regal Leo in any manner, you will pay. Leo can always find a way. But Leo People can be fun and loving if only you give them a chance.

Leo has more Compatibility with some signs such as another Leo, (royalty in action) a Sagittarius (could be a negative because Sag believes they’re right too), or an Aquarius (fair-minded and fun too).

If you know your Sun Zodiac Sign is LEO and the Sun Zodiac Sign of the person in question is another Leo, Sagittarius, or Aquarius, then you are off to a good start. Those Zodiac Signs have high compatibility with Leo.

Get your personalized astrology cast so that you’re aware of the other aspects governing your relationships with your lover in all the most important areas of both your lover and your life. Sun Zodiac Signs are known by practically everyone and are what people believe to be the basis of their natures. In truth, there are other aspects in their charts that bring out the finer parts of their personality. You can find out more about the compatibility of this sign with other signs of the zodiac on this page – Leo compatibility.

The ascendant which is the Lovers real Compatibility Zodiac Sign is how others see us. It’s what they think our personality runs. Our Moon Zodiac Sign is our secret self. Though sun signs are good for reading, seeing our future, and enjoying, all three Zodiac Signs are better for a more knowledgeable prediction of our life’s happenings. If you know your Ascendant and your lovers, then you’re more apt to pick the best person for you.

Your Ascendant or Rising Zodiac Sign is the Zodiac Sign and degree on the Eastern Horizon at the time of your birth. If you can match your lover’s ascendant along with other aspects, you’re way ahead of the game in knowing just how much compatibility you have with a lover.

The information above is based on Sun Sign compatibility.

Leo in Love

Eager Leo wants to help their lovers. Leo People have to beware of the tendency to take over the life of the one Leo loves. Both partners have to be extremely careful to keep strong Leo from doing what comes naturally.

Domination of lovers is possible and must not be underestimated even though it may be well-meant. Thinking Leo has their lovers good at heart; Leo People may persist in pushing their lover into their way of thinking. Leo should not always be allowed to occupy such a strong position. After all, like the lion Leo is a hunter by nature. Make Leo hunt if you want to keep the romance happy and well-nourished.

Generous and warm-hearted to those Leo cares for. Leo People make good friends but only as long as boundaries are established.