Interesting facts about Sergei Prokofiev

Composer Sergei Prokofiev, who worked in the first half of the last century, left a noticeable mark in history. Although most music critics do not put him on a par with Beethoven, Mozart and Chopin, they agree that he was and remains one of the brightest and most talented Russian composers of all time. The music he composed is truly beautiful.

Love for music woke up at the young Sergey at the age of five. His teachers were a number of talented composers, in particular, Rimsky-Korsakov.
By the age of ten, the future musical genius had already written two operas and one play.
Sergei Prokofiev wrote the music for Romeo and Juliet, but the actors performing the roles didn’t like it so much that they even canceled the premiere of the play.
For his bold and nontrivial musical decisions, contemporaries called him Sergei Prokofiev a futurist.

He worked on the opera “War and Peace” for almost 11 years, that is, almost twice as long as Leo Tolstoy spent writing the novel of the same name.
The composer was not indifferent to the game of chess, while claiming that the logical chains arising in the head during the game help him to create music.
Just five years after the first concert, Prokofiev embarked on a European tour.
The poet Vladimir Mayakovsky spoke highly of his work.
The composer’s first Parisian performance failed — critics smashed his music to pieces, calling it “steel trance”.

In addition to “adult” music, Sergei Prokofiev composed and works for children. The first of them, the symphony “Peter and the Wolf”, was written by him in 1935.
Being an ardent patriot, during his foreign tours, he wrote that the “air of foreign lands” adversely affects his creative abilities.
Sergei Prokofiev died on the same day as Stalin, due to which his death passed almost unnoticed by the public. And the relatives had to work hard to organize the funeral, since the whole of Moscow was blocked by police posts, and many people simply did not work.