Constellations and Astrology for children from 10 to 15 years old

In this post, we will check some interesting information about constellations and astrology for children from 10 to 15 years old. For thousands of years, men have looked at the stars and picked out recognizable shapes and patterns. Soon they built up stories about these groups of stars or constellations.

The Chinese, Arabs, Babylonians, and Egyptians were among the first people to name the constellations and to use them as guides to sailors and travelers. The ancient Greeks knew of 48 constellations, which they named after their heroes and gods. But it was the Roman astronomers who gave the constellations the Latin names by which we know them today.

One of the most famous constellations is Ursa Major, the Great Bear, whose seven chief stars form the Big Dipper. Two stars in the Big Dipper are called the Pointers because they point to Polaris, the Pole Star. This is the star, directly above the Earth’s the North Pole, around which all the other stars seem to revolve.

Today astronomers recognize 88 constellations. The 23 constellations in the far south of the southern hemisphere were first named by 18th-century astronomers. Although the Earth moves around the Sun, it appears from Earth that the Sun moves in front of the background of stars.

Astrology for children

Astrology is an ancient field of knowledge, the astrology date of birth is not known, but many researchers think that the origins of the astrological theory can be found in the culture of the Babylon civilization and their ancient system of celestial omens. In that case, the astrology date of birth is the second millennium B.C. The basic traditions used by astrologists now are Western astrology, Chinese astrology, and Hindu Astrology (Jyotiṣa).

Many newspapers and magazines contain columns called something like “What the Stars Foretell” written by astrologers. Astrology is the study of the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars to find out how they influence people and their affairs. It is quite different from astronomy. Most scientists say that astrology is not a science at all.

Also, if you are interested in astrology, you can go to this site and find out your rising sign by following this link – My Rising Sign.

The astrologer casts a horoscope for a person. He draws a diagram showing the position of the heavenly bodies and the 12 signs of the zodiac at the time of the person’s birth. From this, he claims to be able to describe that person’s character and foretell the main events of his future. For thousands of years, astrologers were among the most important people in the courts of kings. They used the stars to interpret dreams and unusual events and to foretell the future.