17 interesting and fun goat facts

Some people think that goats are less important than, for example, cows or pigs. So – this is not so at all, and in the culture of many peoples, these animals occupy a special place. They are very valuable, and everything that they can give people is used – milk, meat, wool, even horns and hooves. A lot of interesting things can be told about goats, which is what we, in fact, will do now.

It was these animals that were sacrificed more often than any other, moreover, among various nations.
Parchment, which was written before the invention of paper, was usually made of goat skin.
According to some estimates, more goat meat is eaten in the world than pork. It sounds strange, but in fact, in many African, Arab and some Asian countries, it is goats that are the main meat product.
The review of goats is almost 300 degrees. Their eyes are generally unique, with horizontal rectangular pupils.
In domesticated goat breeds, the sense of smell and taste are best developed, and in their wild relatives, the sense of smell and vision.
In the Middle Ages, alchemists usually designated sulfur as the stylized head of a goat, since sulfur was associated with hell, and a goat with the devil.

The more goats spend together in one herd, the more their voices become similar to each other. And if the goat was moved to another, then its “emphasis” will also change over time.
Regular consumption of goat milk significantly reduces the risk of tuberculosis. In addition, goat milk also has another interesting property – it removes radionuclides from the body.
Very expensive fabrics are made from goat hair and down. A fluffy item of Kashmiri sheep costs very impressive money, unless, of course, it is a fake.
Dwarf goats – yes, there are such – weigh only 20 kilograms each, and Boer goats common in Africa can easily reach a weight of 120 kilograms. At the same time, dwarf goats, by the way, are grown for their meat, which is considered a delicacy. The first place in the world for growing goats, according to official statistics, is held by the United States.

The sea goat or Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac. So one of the constellations is named after this animal. If your zodiac sign is Capricorn, then this post might interest you – Capricorn Compatibility Chart.
Goats often chew seemingly inedible objects. This is not because they are supposedly stupid, but simply because of their natural curiosity – they are interested in tasting everything.
They often become attached to people, especially if they are kind to them.
One goat can have a herd of 40-50 goats, which he will lead.
There is a special breed of “fainting goats” that become stiff and swoon from the slightest fright. This hereditary disease, myotonia, has been fixed genetically in their pedigree line.
Goats do not suffer from tuberculosis, a disease that is terrible not only for humans, but also for many other mammals.
All existing breeds of these animals are descended from a wild bezoar goat. This animal is now found in the wild.
Goats were one of the first animals domesticated by humans. It happened in about 7 millennium BC.