Shark Facts: 42 Interesting and Fun Facts about Shark

In this article, we will check the most interesting and fun shark facts. Don’t worry about being attacked by a Shark – Facts show you are more apt to be struck by lightning. Shark facts prove that shark attacks kill on average of 10 people per year.

Shark Facts: 42 Interesting and Fun Facts about Shark

  1. 355 kinds of sharks have been identified.
  2. Humans can be attacked by only three kinds of sharks.
  3. Bees kill more people every year than sharks.
  4. Cartilage not bone makes up the structural skeleton of a shark.
  5. Earth had sharks living on it before dinosaurs.
  6. Sharks like to eat other sharks.
  7. Shark facts reveal that 20 to 100 million sharks are killed every year by human beings.
  8. No other creature has more powerful jaws than a shark.
  9. Sharks have back-up teeth to replace worn ones.
  10. Not all sharks are cold-blooded.
  11. Tiger sharks eat garbage, even tin cans.
  12. Sharks have extra teeth with which they can replace worn ones.
  13. Some sharks use between 20,000 and 30,000 teeth in a lifetime.
  14. The Whale Shark is the biggest shark in the world.
  15. Whale Sharks are not dangerous to humans.
  16. Pregnant sharks give birth to pups.
  17. Sharks have large brains, like mammals.
  18. Sharks have the keenest sense of smell with 2/3rds of their brain devoted to it.
  19. Some sharks have to be over twenty years old to breed.
  20. Sharks will sink if they stop moving.
  21. Not all sharks live in the ocean–some live in rivers.
  22. Some baby sharks eat other baby sharks while still in the womb.
  23. The Great White Shark is on the Endangered Species List in some locations.
  24. The largest shark is almost 40 feet long.
  25. Sharks can go for long periods of time without eating.
  26. The Great White Shark doesn’t have to eat for three months.
  27. One of the most scary shark facts is that some sharks can bite with a force of 42,000 pounds per square inch, while human males only bite with the force of 150 pounds per square inch.
  28. Feeding frenzies by sharks are rare.
  29. Denticles is a name for the tooth-like outer skin of a shark.
  30. Sharks can see in color.
  31. Some sharks can swim at a speeds up to 23 mph.
  32. Sharks would rather eat another fish than a human being.
  33. Some sharks produce offspring in the same humans by giving birth.
  34. Some sharks produce baby sharks by laying eggs.
  35. Thousands of years ago 60% of ocean fish were sharks.
  36. Today, sharks make up only 3% of the fish in the ocean.
  37. The majority of human shark attacks are by Great White Sharks.
  38. Many sharks eat shellfish.
  39. The Whale Shark, the largest of all fish, eats plankton.
  40. Sharks have the type of brain that makes them trainable.
  41. Sharks are at the top of their food chain just like humans, who are at the top of theirs.
  42. Many sharks are endangered because of the human trade in shark’s skin and teeth.