Lion Facts: 33 Interesting and Fun Facts about Lion

Are you interested in Lion facts? If yes, then you are in the right place. We listed here the 33 most interesting facts about lions. A lion pride can have anywhere from 15 to 50 members.

Lion Facts: 33 Interesting and Fun

33 Interesting and Fun Facts about Lion

  1. A male lion can weigh up to 420 pounds.
  2. A male lion can be 50 inches tall.
  3. Lions are social beings and live together in groups called prides.
  4. One of the most surprising lion facts is that the female lions do all of the hunting.
  5. Even though female lions killed the animal for dinner, the males get to eat first.
  6. The color of a lion can range from brown to yellow.
  7. A lion can run at 50mph for short periods of time.
  8. Lions eat game animals, including wildebeest, zebra, wild boar, rhinos, hippos, impalas, giraffes, buffalo, and smaller animals, such as rabbits, reptiles and birds.
  9. Lions sleep on average 21 hours a day.
  10. A lion cub weighs in the range of four pounds at birth.
  11. Asiatic lions are on the endangered species list.
  12. The roar of a lion can be heard up to five miles away.
  13. The longest recorded leap of a lion is 36 feet.
  14. Lions live for 13 years on average.
  15. Fifty-percent of the world’s lions have been killed in the last half century.
  16. Right now there are only 21,000 lions left in Africa.
  17. It is the male lion who is charged with the job of defending the pride.
  18. Lions have 30 teeth.
  19. Only one-third of all lion cubs live past one year of age.
  20. Every two to four years there is a change in the pride where either a younger male or a male from another pride takes over and drives out the older males. This is a violent time for the group. The new dominant male usually kills most of the male offspring of the previous leader of the pride. The females defend their own young but if they lose they begin breeding with the newcomer.
  21. Lions show affection for one another by purring, licking one another and rubbing heads.
  22. Lions live in plains that are grassy, open woodlands and scrubby areas. They like to hide behind tall growth when stocking prey.
  23. Humans have encroached on most of the lion’s habitat with agricultural operations.
  24. One of the unfortunate lion facts is that today lions only live in two places in the world. There are about 100,000 lions in Africa, and 300 endangered lions who live on a protected reserve in India.
  25. Lions are nocturnal and usually hunt at night.
  26. A lion in the wild eats 80 lbs of meat in one meal. They then go a couple days without eating. The lions who are living in captivity are given 6-10 lbs of meat each day.
  27. Only the male lion grows a mane.
  28. On average it takes four hunting trips to get one meal.
  29. Female lions breed with all of the males in the pride.
  30. Lions don’t always kill their own prey. The also scavenge it from other animals.
  31. Lions can go several days without drinking water.
  32. Cubs are the last to eat and only get whatever’s left after the adult lions have eaten.
  33. Next to man, a lion’s biggest predator is the hyena.