Wolf Facts: 35 Interesting and Fun Facts about Wolf

We collect 35 most interesting and fun facts about wolves in one article. If you look at the history of the wolf – facts show he is a relative of the domestic dog.

Wolf Facts: 35 Interesting and Fun Facts about Wolf

35 Interesting and Fun Facts about Wolves

  1. Gray Wolves and Red Wolves live in North America.
  2. Wolves only reproduce once a year.
  3. Gray wolves generally weigh in the range of 75 to 130 pounds.
  4. Wolves are social animals, living in packs which are extended families.
  5. Wolves walk on their toes.
  6. Wolves have 42 teeth which are one-inch long.
  7. In the wild, wolves eat deer, elk, moose, bison, caribou, musk-oxen and beaver.
  8. An wolf pack on average has 6-8 members.
  9. Wolves travel, usually by trotting at 8 – 10 mph, but can run as fast as 35 mph in short spurts when pursuing prey.
  10. The lifespan of a wolf can be as much as 13 years in the wild but is usually closer to 8 years. A wolf in captivity can live up to 16 years. These are wolf facts.
  11. The main threat to wolves is human encroachment on habitat.
  12. Wolves typically breed in February and March and give birth in April and May.
  13. Wolves give birth to 4-6 pups in a litter.
  14. Wolves can hear up to a distance of six miles.
  15. The canine family includes the wolf, coyote, dog–plus golden, black-backed, and side-sriped jackal and dingos.
  16. Wolves in the wild can eat twenty pounds in one meal.
  17. Males and females in a pack have their own order of hierarchy.
  18. A pack of wolves usually consists of a mated pair and their offspring.
  19. The wolf at the head of the pack is called the “alpha” wolf
  20. The wolf at the lowest point in the pack is called an “omega” wolf.
  21. Wolves do not chew with their teeth but use them to hold the prey and tear off chunks which are swallowed whole.
  22. Wolves show affection by grooming one another. They also take care of older or injured family members in this way.
  23. The jaws of a wolf can generate 1500 lbs of pressure per square inch. In contrast, a German Shepherd’s jaw strength is half of that.
  24. Wolves have 42 teeth.
  25. Wolves are at the top of the food chain.
  26. Wolves communicate by sounds, such as howling, barking, yipping as well as facial expressions and body posture.
  27. One of the most disturbing wolf facts is that wolves are on the endangered species list.
  28. The state with the largest wolf population currently is Minnesota.
  29. Wolves in the wild move as much as 8 – 10 hours a day.
  30. Wolves have coats that are gray, red, white and black, with variations of each.
  31. Wolves become mature at about two years of age.
  32. Wolves are only violent when protecting their territory and family.
  33. Wolves are carnivorous and only eat meat.
  34. Wolves will eat small animals like mice when no larger animals are available.
  35. Wolves have a very advanced sense of smell–they can smell up to 1-¼ miles away.