Frog Facts: 31 Interesting and Fun Facts about Frog

In this article, you can find 31 interesting and fun facts about frogs. Toad facts are the same as frog facts because a toad is a kind of frog. Amazingly, there are 3,000 different kinds of toads and frogs. Frogs fall into the “Anura” or “Salientia” classification which are tailless amphibians. An amphibian is a cold-blooded vertebrate kind of animal. Most of the frogs that come to mind when we think “frog,” are in the Ranidae family. Frog facts can be found on 400 different kinds of Ranidae, also known as “true frogs.”

  1. True Frogs include the bullfrog, wood frog, marsh frog, common frog, leopard frog, green frog, and pickerel frog. They are also referred to as generic frogs.
  2. Generic frogs have bulging eyes, feet that are webbed so that they can jump and swim, slimy or smooth skin, and they lay eggs in clusters.
  3. Frogs live everywhere in the world except for Antarctica.
  4. True Toads are also frogs.
  5. There are over 300 kinds of true toads in the frog family named Bufonidae.
  6. Toads have warty-looking skin which is dry, not wet.
  7. Toads have stocky bodies and they have short legs for walking.
  8. A group of toads who live together are called a knot.
  9. A group of frogs living together is called an army.
  10. Toads usually lay eggs in chains instead of clusters.
  11. It can take from one to three weeks for frogs eggs to hatch.
  12. Baby frogs are called tadpoles.
  13. Tadpoles are teeny at first and attach themselves to grass or leaves for the first week of their lives. In the 2nd week of life they start to swim and eat. Then they get skin and teeth, next a tail, so that by the time they are four weeks old, they start to swim in schools with other tadpoles.
  14. Some tree frogs lay their eggs in trees over rivers and streams. When it rains the eggs are washed into the water and tadpoles develop.
  15. Tree frogs have sticky pads on their feet with which to grip the tree.
  16. Flying frogs have webbed feet.
  17. A frog can jump 20 times its length.
  18. The longest recorded frog jump is 33 feet, 5-1⁄2 inches.
  19. Frogs have to have wet skin to get oxygen to breathe.
  20. Some frogs shed their skin every day.
  21. Frogs have very loud voices and like to sing.
  22. Frogs can live anywhere in the range of 4 to 40 years.
  23. Everyone wants to eat a frog. This includes any number of snakes, lizards, birds, small animals, humans, and even other frogs.
  24. The frog population is declining because of pollution.
  25. Many toads have glands behind their ears that squirt poison to protect them from predators.
  26. Most frogs have a camouflaged skin to help them blend into their surrounds for protection.
  27. Frogs which have red in their coloring are poisonous.
  28. The species often referred to as a horny toad is not really a toad. It is a lizard.
  29. Frogs that live in cold climates shut down their bodies and hibernate under leaves until spring.
  30. Some people record interesting frog facts. For instance, the largest frog in the world is the Goliath Frog. It lives in West Africa and grows to be a foot long.
  31. The smallest frog in the world is about the size of a dime.