What do frogs eat ?

More than half of the diet of the lake frog is occupied by terrestrial insects, of which about 25% are flying forms. In eating, the frog is illegible: it feeds on what is most available at the moment. Having studied the stomachs of 230 herbal frogs, the scientists counted 87 food components, of which, in the first place, were beetles. Then come the Orthoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera and others, including spiders, lice, bugs and mollusks.

A long sticky tongue is the main frog organ. Sneaking up, the amphibian with force throws out the language, which is glued to the victim and carries her into the throat. But to see the process with the naked eye is impossible: the whole flight to the goal and return with prey takes a hundredths of a second. Track frog hunting can only be done by slow-motion shooting.

It should be noted that not all amphibians use the language, like a lasso. Some prefer to rely on the speed of the throw. Living in Europe, the quick frog (Rana dalmatina) hunts mainly on flying insects, which catch up in the jump. This small amphibian is able to take off more than a meter in height, and from the pursuer goes three-meter jumps.

Most frogs perfectly master the art of camouflage. They do not need to scour in the grassy jungle, as the carefree “game” itself goes to the catcher. The lake frog arranges ambushes under the leaves of aquatic plants. Sometimes she finds a very unusual trophy – a bird.