Interesting facts about Tambov

Tambov is a fairly large city not far from Voronezh. It originated as a settlement on the banks of the Tsna, the river, which is a tributary of the mighty Oka, and has more than one hundred years of glorious history. Tambov is distinguished by a rather mild climate, and also by the fact that it is included in a rather short list of the most ecologically clean Russian cities.

The wood from the forests around Tambov became the material for the construction of the first Russian fleet.
Until the end of the 18th century, Tambov was more like a big village than a city: the streets were built up with wooden houses with straw roofs, gardens and gardens were laid out next to the dwellings, and there were no cobbled roads at all.

For several years Tambov was led by the poet Gavriil Derzhavin.
In the Kazan Monastery of Tambov, there is a 107-meter-high bell tower, which is the second highest such building in Russia.
A bust of Joseph Stalin is installed in the Tambov auto parts store. In 2010, the sculpture was brought there by local communists.
In Tambov, there are monuments to the Tambov Wolf, the Eternal Student, the Noble Maiden, the Family of Elks, the Russian-French friendship and the victims of nuclear disasters.
Sergey T. Rakhmaninov, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and Yury Zhirkov were born in Tambov.
Tambov was the first provincial city in Russia, which has its own newspaper.

Tambov wolves, which have become one of the main symbols of the city, are no different from other gray wolves inhabiting the territory of Russia. The famous phrase with the proposal to take this animal as a friend was uttered in the film “The Rumyantsev Case”.
During the raids of the nomads, the Tambov warriors used for their own purposes the fear that the invaders experienced before the wolves: they threw fresh wolf skins over their armor, and the frightened animals, along with their riders, hurried to escape away from the battlefield.
The first car appeared on the streets of Tambov in 1911. The second vehicle was brought to the city only 5 years later.
In Tambov, there is a street, the sides of which have different names: the right is called District Street, and the left is Serov Street.