Interesting facts about ancient Egypt

The majestic kingdom of ancient Egypt, long since sunk into oblivion, existed for a long time, far more significant than many other civilizations of bygone times. Even then, in an era when many sciences were in their infancy, the ancient Egyptians managed to achieve so much that scientists still shrug their shoulders, not understanding how such a thing is possible.

When the Egyptians built their pyramids, the mammoths roamed the Earth. They died out about 4 thousand years ago, and the ancient Egyptian kingdom arose more than 6 thousand years ago.
Finally, Ancient Egypt fell about 1300 years ago, when it was conquered by the Arabs.
Cosmetics in ancient Egypt was popular not only among women, but also among men. However, its main purpose was to protect the skin from the sun’s rays, and not to decorate the face. By the way, cosmetics are also popular with modern Egyptians.
Children before adolescence in ancient Egypt usually did not wear clothes, and their hair was shaved off, leaving only a pigtail to protect them from lice and fleas.

Women in ancient Egypt had the same legal rights as men. They were usually engaged in housekeeping by virtue of tradition, but the laws endowed them with equal rights.
In ancient Egypt, for the first time in world history, marriage contracts were invented, which indicated how property between spouses would be divided in case of divorce.
The whole existence of ancient Egypt was tied to the Nile River, around which this civilization arose.
The study of history and culture is engaged in a separate science, Egyptology.
Famous Egyptian pyramids erected not slaves, but quite professional employees.
In ancient Egypt, pillows were stuffed with stones instead of feathers.
The word “Pharaoh” in ancient Egyptian is translated as “big house”.

The most famous ruler of ancient Egypt, the queen Cleopatra, by birth was a Macedonian – Greek woman from Macedonia.
Noble citizens of ancient Egypt always hid their hair from outsiders, taking this fashion from the pharaohs.
The ancient Egyptians prized board games. Some of them have come down to our days.
The god Osiris was depicted as Egyptian bearded, so the pharaohs often wore false beards made of gold.
The rulers of ancient Egypt often intermarried with brothers and sisters to reduce the number of claimants to the throne.

In ancient times, Egyptian men wore skirts, since their pants did not spread in hot climates. Women usually dressed in dresses.
The first police in the world appeared in ancient Egypt. Employees kept order, and trained animals and monkeys were used as patrol animals.
The ancient Egyptians guessed about the benefits of penicillin in the fight against infections for 4000 years before the invention of antibiotics. As a medicine, they used some types of mold.
The first built in ancient Egypt is the step pyramid of Djoser, built about 4,600 years ago, and the most famous is the pyramid of Cheops.

Spoke wheels were invented by the Egyptians.
For the first time in history, residents of ancient Egypt began to wear wedding rings on their ring finger. Later this custom was adopted from them by the Romans and the Greeks.
Ancient Egyptians led the lineage through the maternal line.
In ancient Egypt, it was considered blasphemous to enter the house without a razuvayas, and even in your own.

Interesting facts about ancient Egypt