18 interesting facts about ancient civilizations

Who knows what invaluable knowledge has sunk into oblivion along with ancient civilizations that once existed in different corners of our planet? All of them were different, but while some of them left almost no legacy, others developed and contributed to the future of mankind.

One of the most mysterious of them is a certain culture that existed in time immemorial in Ethiopia. All that we got as archaeological finds is stone columns with portraits carved on them.
Ancient Egypt was a highly developed civilization in terms of equality. Women there had equal rights and duties with men.
The ancient Mayan civilization, crushed by the Spanish conquistadors during the conquest of the New World, developed such sciences as astronomy and surgery. At the same time, Maya had no idea about such a simple thing as a wheel.
A certain ancient civilization left behind giant stone jugs in the territory of modern Laos. Why they were made, who left them behind is a mystery. The age of the finds is known – about 2000 years.

Human sacrifices were practiced in many ancient civilizations, but among the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs, not a single socially significant event was complete without them.
The pyramids left by ancient civilizations were discovered not only in Egypt, but also in China, Peru, Mexico and other countries.
The most mysterious of ancient civilizations is Atlantis. Many are sure that it really existed until it sank as a result of some kind of cataclysm. This is a very realistic theory – for example, near the Japanese coast, on the seabed, pyramids were found that also once sank.
Modern India is a poor and overpopulated country where problems with garbage and hygiene are pronounced. Moreover, back in the 5th century BC, the ancient civilization that existed there had sewage in residential buildings.
Sometimes, due to tectonic activity, entire cities can go under water. So, at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea there are about two hundred of them.
In the now lifeless Gobi desert, ancient civilizations once existed. But all that remains of them is under a layer of sand, so we know little about them.

For many peoples and cultures of past times, the Sun was revered as the supreme deity.
The ancient civilization of China was ahead of many others by inventing insurance, paper, fireworks and much more.
There were two ancient civilizations on the world famous Easter Island, not one. Representatives of one of them left us all these huge stone idols.
Despite the primitive tools, the ancient Egyptian pyramids were so carefully built that they still stand, and most likely will stand for many more thousands of years.

The once ancient Aztec civilization built its capital on the site of the former Toltec capital, another people who, by that time, had weakened and lost their former power. Now in this place stands the city of Mexico City, the Mexican capital.
In ancient Greece, even for serious crimes they usually did not execute, but expelled the criminal from the city. Not out of mercy, but because in the province of city-states, any outcast was doomed to a quick death alone.
The Romans, who once controlled the British Isles, built many stone roads there. Some of them have survived to this day. Ancient Roman civilization built on conscience.
The most ancient of all civilizations, the age of which can be reliably judged, is Sumerian. It existed in 4-5 millennia BC in the Middle East.