Interesting facts about primitive people

Evolution has turned primitive people into us, and Pithecanthropes with Australopithecus are our direct ancestors. However, evolution does not stop, and who knows what the people of the future will be? Nevertheless, archaeologists and paleontologists are still studying the life and the lives of ancient people. This allows us to learn more about how life was before, and what winding paths evolution takes.

The human face has taken on such an appearance in the process of evolution in order to better take a hit. Ancient people often found out the relationship by force.
Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons were two parallel branches of primitive people, divided over 500 million years ago.
The ancient Cro-Magnon men came from the African continent, and Neanderthals may have originated in modern Europe.
Neanderthals were distinguished by fair skin and mostly red hair, while Cro-Magnons were dark-skinned. When their migration began, they partially assimilated, and partially destroyed the primitive people of Neanderthals. The last Neanderthals disappeared about 40 thousand years ago.
We all have genes of primitive people. On average, each person has from 1 to 4 percent of Neanderthal DNA.
Man erectus, one of the most ancient species of ancient people, began its distribution from Africa about a million years ago.

Crossing between ancient people of different species was possible. Archaeological finds indicate that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons successfully spawned offspring.
Primitive people crossed the Indian Ocean and settled Australia about 50,000 years ago.
The ancient people had 4 teeth more than ours, and their jaw was larger.
Scientists believe that primitive people usually did not live to even 40 years. This is partly due to the predators and the lack of medicine, and partly to the fact that the ancient people had a metabolism faster than ours. Over time, he slowed down, which contributed to longevity.
Primitive people learned to extract fire about 500 million years ago. The method used is the simplest – friction.
The very first animal that the ancient people domesticated was a wolf.
Art was not alien to our ancestors. The cave paintings that have reached our time became the prototype of modern books and allowed us to learn more about the life of ancient people.
Partly, it is primitive people who are guilty of the extinction of mammoths. They actively hunted them, and not so much for the sake of meat, as for the hides and bones.

Music also did not bypass the ancient people. The oldest musical instrument discovered by archaeologists is a bone-made flute, about 40,000 years old.
Fashion for jewelry among primitive people also existed. They made jewelery mainly from teeth, bones and dried fruits.
For the manufacture of clothing, the ancients used fish bones and thorns of some plants as needles.
The most common tool in that era was the so-called hack, which was a kind of hybrid between an ax and a knife. Primitive people made these tools from stone hundreds of thousands of years ago.
The ancient people invented the bow and arrows about 25,000 years ago, quickly realizing that it was possible to use a new formidable weapon not only for hunting, but also for war with their own kind.

A primitive Neanderthal hut with a fire, which is about 380,000 years old (interesting facts about France), was discovered on the territory of modern France.
However, for most of their development, the ancient people preferred not to build houses, but to use natural shelters like caves.
Arachnophobia, fear of spiders – inherited our heritage of primitive ancestors, as well as fear of darkness. In the dark caves could be found both large predators and poisonous spiders.
The population of modern humans declined to a critical level about 80 thousand years ago. Most likely, this was caused by a particularly powerful eruption of some kind of supervolcano, as a result of which a prolonged volcanic winter began, which led to the absence of sunlight, cooling, and the failure of many plants.

The earliest form of religious practice and primitive people was the worship of fire.
Gold became one of the first metals, which began to be used by ancient people, because of its softness and ease of processing.
Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Neanderthals set up animal traps. They quickly realized that it was safer and more effective than direct hunting, albeit more laborious.
The size of the brain of an ancient man 2 million years ago was comparable to the size of a monkey’s brain. Since then, it has increased considerably.