17 interesting facts about ancient civilizations

If you look back into the darkness of millennia, you will find that on Earth there were many different ancient civilizations. Some of them disappeared almost without a trace, while others left behind a huge legacy. Archaeologists and historians are now recreating bit by bit the events of bygone times, forming an integral picture of peoples and cultures that have sunk into oblivion.

Ancient Mayans developed such sciences as medicine and astronomy. At the same time, the Mayans did not know what a wheel was.
In the modern world, gender equality has long and firmly reigned almost everywhere, but in most ancient civilizations men have ruled everything. A progressive exception was Ancient Egypt, where women were always on an equal footing with men.
One of the least studied ancient civilizations once existed on the territory of modern Ethiopia, the only African country that has never been a colony. Only rare monuments survived from it to our times, such as columns minted by masons with images of people on them.
The pyramids were built by various ancient civilizations, and not just the Egyptians. There are quite a lot of them in Central America, in Mexico and Peru.
A certain ancient civilization that existed in the territory of modern Laos about 2 thousand years ago, disappeared almost without a trace, leaving behind only strange artifacts – giant stone jugs.

Bloodthirsty deities requiring regular sacrifices were an indispensable attribute of many ancient civilizations. However, the gods of the Aztecs and Mayans were distinguished by a special thirst for blood. For these peoples, all celebrations and holidays were accompanied by massive human sacrifices.
Atlantis is the most talked about and mysterious civilization that may never have even existed in reality. A number of scientists believe that evidence of its existence is now at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
More than 1 billion people live in modern India, and most of this country is very poor. Many where there is not even an elementary civilization. However, in the 5th century BC, there was an ancient civilization of Rama, and in those distant times in the homes of ordinary inhabitants there was a sewage system.

The Mediterranean Sea is called the cradle of civilization for a reason. At its bottom are found flooded ruins of more than two hundred ancient cities.
Archaeologists have discovered traces of civilization that existed in ancient times, even in the red-hot Gobi desert. However, too many years have passed, and excavations in such conditions are extremely difficult, so we know little about the people who lived there.
In ancient China, several thousand years ago, there were concepts of insurance and a progressive tax system.
In most ancient civilizations, the Sun was revered as the supreme deity.
 On the world famous Easter Island, there were two civilizations at once. Representatives of one of them built stone idols for representatives of another, in exchange for resources and immunity.

The Egyptian pyramids were slightly patted by time, but from their preserved intact areas it is clear that they were built so that it would not even be possible to insert a steel blade between the stone blocks. And this is with very primitive tools, by the way.
Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, stands on the site of the former Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec empire. And until the Aztecs flourished, the capital of the Toltecs, another Central American people, was in this very place.
In the days when the British Isles belonged to Ancient Rome, many stone roads were built on them. Many of them have survived to this day, despite the fact that people have been using them all this time.
The most ancient civilization of the known to us is Sumerian. The Sumerian kingdom existed in 4-5 millennia BC in the Middle East.