
Bukhara is the oldest city in Central Asia, the regional center of the Bukhara region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Bukhara is a museum city where you can see more than 140 architectural monuments of the Middle Ages. The historic city center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Bukhara is a museum of oriental culture. Moreover, a very huge and old museum. There are very few cities like this in the world. In such corners, miraculously preserved is the time that has long passed in the rest of the world. This place has a long, sometimes tragic history, there were found artifacts and buildings that have been preserved since the time of the existence of Alexander the Great.

Bukhara has historical and modern parts. Where ancient architectural buildings end, modern residential buildings, shops and supermarkets begin. Perhaps this combination even paints the city, but many tourists still do not stay in a residential area and go to look at ancient mosques and fortresses.

Old Bukhara

Many buildings in old Bukhara have a monochromatic color and similar architecture, which creates this incredible atmosphere of the east, which even air seems to be saturated with.

In the Middle Ages, Bukhara was a rich and prosperous city. This, first of all, was facilitated by the fact that the Silk Road passed through it. There are so many expensive and magnificent buildings in this city. In addition, he had a lot of inns for guests. There were also rather big markets where merchants who came from far away were selling their goods. All this left a mark in the form of luxury and the wide scope of the architecture of Bukhara.

The city center is the ruler’s fortress. Many years ago this protective structure was built, next to which people began to settle and build their homes. Gradually, a dynamic and rich city grew around the emir’s residence.

Throughout its history, Bukhara has experienced many invasions, passed to many rulers, and was attacked more than once.

The historical part of Bukhara became one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In addition, the most significant buildings are located in the security zone and are available only for excursions. Even in our time, archaeological excavations are ongoing in some areas of this city. The interest of archaeologists in this place is quite justified, because once there, at a depth of 20 meters under the city, objects found from ancient times were found.

The main attractions of Bukhara are ancient mosques of incredible beauty and grandeur. In addition to the mosques in this city, which was once a major shopping center of the entire region, you can find ancient pavilions. Numerous merchants still offer their products there.

Bukhara has very hot summers. The sun burns mercilessly and brings the thermometer to +35, +42 degrees. Such a hot period is replaced by a cool winter, when the temperature can drop to +3. It rains infrequently in this place, so it is a rather arid city. But that is why it is beautiful, because such a combination of hot climate and oriental flavor just attracts tourists to Bukhara.