Facts from the life of Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy

Rod Tolstoy gave Russia a lot of great writers. Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy also left his mark, whose works are still credited fans of his work. Even as a child he traveled, which broadened his horizons, and a good education, laid to the wealthy young man of those times, developed his mind and writing talent.

The mother of the future classic left her husband soon after the birth of the child, so Alexey Konstantinovich was brought up by his uncle, the mother’s brother.
Education he received at home, like many other noble children in those years.
In childhood, he was often taken to different countries. Later, in his diary, he will describe a trip to Italy, which he made with his family at the age of 14.
In adulthood, AK Tolstoy was distinguished by remarkable strength. So, he demonstrated to others around his ability to bend a horseshoe with his hands.

The writer always had very warm relations with the imperial court, but he in every possible way avoided public service so that nothing would prevent him from doing literature.
Being a brave man, A.K. Tolstoy went to hunt a bear, armed only with a spear.
After the start of the Crimean War, Aleksey Konstantinovich collected an entire regiment for his own money, but he did not even have time to take part in hostilities due to the outbreak of the typhoid epidemic.
Alexey Tolstoy’s mother was against his marriage, so he officially married only 12 years after the first meeting with his future wife.

 The writer was fond of spiritualism and other mysticism.
The famous Leo Tolstoy was his second cousin.
In the last years of his life, the writer constantly suffered from headaches. Trying to drown out the pain of morphine, he became addicted to this drug.
The novel by A. K. Tolstoy “The Prince of Silver” has been reprinted more than a hundred times.
His first publications saw the light when the writer was already 38 years old.

The last work of the classic is the poem “The Dragon”, published after his death. Moreover, he argued that this is just a translation from the Italian original, but historians agreed that it was a fiction.
The wife of A. K. Tolstoy owned a dozen foreign languages.
The cause of the writer’s death was an accidental overdose of morphine.