Facts from the life of Chris Pratt

Actor Chris Pratt is familiar to all lovers of Hollywood movies who visit cinemas at least from time to time. He received his first significant roles not too long ago, and so far cannot boast of a particularly extensive filmography. Nevertheless, it is obvious to all that his talent successfully paves the way to the heights of glory, and we will undoubtedly see many more interesting films with his participation.

The actor is fluent in one foreign language – German.
At one time, in his youth, he lived in Hawaii, and lived in a van, not in the house.
Chris Pratt studied acting in college. More precisely, he tried – he was expelled before the end of the first semester.
He is a big fan of weapons. In total, he has about 40 copies of pistols and rifles in his personal collection. Of course, this is not as impressive as the collection of Steven Seagal, who has more than a thousand weapons.

When Chris met his future wife, she was married. Some time after her divorce, he confessed his feelings to her.
Pratt takes his roles very responsibly. He has already proved this by actively shedding or gaining weight, if the role demands it.
The actor plays great guitar. And sings, by the way, not bad.
He loves cats.
Although Chris Pratt was born in the United States, he has roots in France, Switzerland, Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom.

For the first time Pratt hit the screen, starring in the short film directed by Ray Don Chong. He was a waiter at a cafe where she celebrated her birthday, and the charismatic boy liked her so much that she gave him the role.
Chris Pratt is interested in entomology – he collects beetles. And, surprisingly, his wife shares his hobby.
He never received any acting education after his graduation from college.
The actor tried his main role in Avatar, but in the end he did not get this role.
For the sake of his role in The Guardians of the Galaxy, Chris Pratt lost 27 kg of weight, and also considerably improved his figure by regularly attending the gym.
Pratt’s wedding took place on the Indonesian island of Bali.

In his youth, even before he began to act in films, at one time he worked as a stripper at parties for ladies.
In his free time, Chris Pratt loves to travel. He says that he appreciates natural beauty much higher than man-made.
Seven years before the filming of the “Jurassic World,” Chris once jokingly stated that if the dinosaur franchise continued, he would definitely withdraw. The joke turned out to be prophetic, and his role in the “World of the Jurassic Period” brought him even more money and fame.
He draws well. True, by his own admission, he abandoned the practice for a long time.