How long is a hamster pregnant ?

Pregnancy in hamsters lasts, depending on the species, from 16-20 days, the number of toddlers in one litter from 4 to 12. They are fed by mother’s milk from 18 to 20 days. At the first birth, the young mother does not rarely eat part of the weakened and even healthy babies.

Refuses to feed. Hamsters are born without a wool cover, blind. They look weak, helpless creatures. But this is not so.

Hamsters are territorial animals and should not be kept together with each other. If you keep two hamsters, then you need to keep them in two different cages.

For mating, the female is inserted into the cage to the male, after the mating is planted. Age of female for mating is at least 4 months. Age of male for mating is at least 3 months. Hamsters should not participate in breeding throughout their life, only up to 10 months, up to a maximum of 1 year.

The average life of a hamster is 1.5-2 years. With proper care and conditions of maintenance, hamsters survive to 3.5 years.